Since lunching windows 11, a lot of users were and will be suprised that a lot of future in windows 10, they are now hiden in windows 11. therefore i introduce you 3 ways to hide Desktop Icons on Windows 10.

1. Make use of the Desktop Context Menu
• To begin, go to the desktop and right-click on a blank area.
• Next, go to View and uncheck the box beside Show desktop icons.
2. Make use of the Local Group Policy Editor
• To launch the Run command dialogue box, press Win + R.
• To open the Local Group Policy Editor, type gpedit.msc and press Enter.
• Select User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Desktop.
• On the right-hand side pane, double-click the “Hide and disable all items” on the desktop option.
• Select Enabled in the following box, then click Apply and OK.
3. Make use of the Registry Editor
• To launch the Run command dialogue box, press Win + R.
• To launch the Registry Editor, type regedit and click Enter.
• Goto HKEY CURRENT USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > Explorer
• Then, in the right-hand side pane, right-click a blank space and choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
• Enter NoDesktop as the value for the DWORD.
• Set the NoDesktop Value Data to 1 by double-clicking it.
• To save these changes, click OK and then restart your computer.