Microsoft Remote Desktop allows users of all knowledge levels to establish a direct connection with their distant PC and take control over their desktop, apps, files, attached hardware, and network resources, just like as if they are actually sitting at the desk near that computer. Since the first introduction of this service several decades ago, it has managed to grow into one of the most popular features for remote error troubleshooting and data access for people who are not able to physically visit their PCs.
The latest version of Microsoft Remote Desktop is fully optimized for Windows 10/Windows 11 and brings a streamlined way to access remote PCs in the fewest steps possible.
It can be used in a variety of ways, from connecting to your home PC from work (or vice versa) to get access to some file you forgot, to help your friends to configure some particular Windows 11/10 settings that they cannot manage themselves, troubleshoot various issues for your family members, or simply to remotely check on your home or work PC as they are being actively used to perform specific tasks.
Features and Highlights
- The official Windows 11/Windows 10 remote desktop application of Microsoft Corporation.
- Easily access your remote PCs at home or work.
- Establish a remote connection to remote resources made available by your IT admin at work or school.
- Full support for mouse & keyboard and touch interface.
- Access remote storage, control apps, and troubleshoot any issues without physically going to target PC.
- Simple management of all available remote PC connections.
- Supports high-quality audio and video streaming.
- Built-in support for PC access from modern smartphones.
- 100% FREE!
Download Microsoft Remote Desktop Latest Version